Class No 1
First Industrial Revolution:
The industrial revolution was a movement technological and scientific that allowed human beings to come into possession of new means and elements, which made production, development, and cultural improvement more viable and economy of man and of society in general.
The Parliamentary Monarchy:the bourgeoisie with more economic power achieves the Declaration of Rights (Bill of Rights) that allowed the supremacy of parliament over the monarchy to greater participation in government decisions in political life.
Sufficiency resources and labor:England has sufficiency and availability of raw materials, obtained from North America. The enclosure or enclosure law determined the process of expulsion of peasants from their lands, without work and being displaced to the cities created an oversupply of employment and cheap labor.
Control of world trade:England controlled the trade through the Navigation and Commerce Acts, which ensure the exclusivity of English ships in the timber trade.
Second Revolution Industrial:
La Segunda Revolución Industrial, se inició a mediados del siglo XIX (c. 1850 - 1970), fue una_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_segunda phase of the Industrial Revolution, involves a series of developments within the chemical, electrical, oil and steel industries.
Types of organizations and management:
Well-defined roles for everyone around the new social institution that is the factory.
Appearance of the first multinationals.
Need to organize work in a "scientific" way, selection of the worker that best suits the tasks, training and preparation for their tasks. Help between managers and workforce.
Production types:
Study to determine sequence of movements and operations. Functional structure dividing tasks - directives hierarchical and linear.
Worker motivation through: Well-defined tasks. Immediate prize if you reach the objectives. Understand that the worker moves for personal interests rather than collective ones.
Principles of authority, discipline and monitoring of rules.

Class No 1
First Industrial Revolution:
The industrial revolution was a movement technological and scientific that allowed human beings to come into possession of new means and elements, which made production, development, and cultural improvement more viable and economy of man and of society in general.
The Parliamentary Monarchy:the bourgeoisie with more economic power achieves the Declaration of Rights (Bill of Rights) that allowed the supremacy of parliament over the monarchy to greater participation in government decisions in political life.
Sufficiency resources and labor:England has sufficiency and availability of raw materials, obtained from North America. The enclosure or enclosure law determined the process of expulsion of peasants from their lands, without work and being displaced to the cities created an oversupply of employment and cheap labor.
Control of world trade:England controlled the trade through the Navigation and Commerce Acts, which ensure the exclusivity of English ships in the timber trade.
Second Revolution Industrial:
La Segunda Revolución Industrial, se inició a mediados del siglo XIX (c. 1850 - 1970), fue una_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_segunda phase of the Industrial Revolution, involves a series of developments within the chemical, electrical, oil and steel industries.
Types of organizations and management:
Well-defined roles for everyone around the new social institution that is the factory.
Appearance of the first multinationals.
Need to organize work in a "scientific" way, selection of the worker that best suits the tasks, training and preparation for their tasks. Help between managers and workforce.
Production types:
Study to determine sequence of movements and operations. Functional structure dividing tasks - directives hierarchical and linear.
Worker motivation through: Well-defined tasks. Immediate prize if you reach the objectives. Understand that the worker moves for personal interests rather than collective ones.
Principles of authority, discipline and monitoring of rules.

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